Tips ISO 14001

Om du upptäcker att ett ISO 14001-certifierad verksamhet missar i tillämpningen av marknadsföringslag/ISO14001-krav så kontakta verksamheten eller certifieringsföretaget.

ISO 14001:
7.4: When establishing its communication process(es), the organization shall:

— take into account its compliance obligations;

— ensure that environmental information communicated is consistent with information generated within the environmental management system, and is reliable.

7.4.3: The organization shall externally communicate information relevant to the environmental management system, as established by the organization’s communication process(es) and as required by its compliance obligations.

A7.4: Communication should:

a) be transparent, i.e. the organization is open in the way it derives what it has reported on;

b) be appropriate, so that information meets the needs of relevant interested parties, enabling them to participate;

c) be truthful and not misleading to those who rely on the information reported;

d) be factual, accurate and able to be trusted;

e) not exclude relevant information;

f) be understandable to interested parties.

Är KIA 14001-certifierade i Sverige?